Microlearning moments benefit both investors and investment platforms
Microlearning is the snappy cousin of e-learning and a common feature in many apps. But will a microlearning layer, embedded in an investment app, increase people's interaction with educational content? Will it improve knowledge retention? And will users favor this learning experience? To find out, we partnered up with the ‘Meaningful Interactions Lab’ to conduct experimental research. Here are the results:
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At InvestSuite, we help financial institutions accelerate their digital wealth transformation journey and launch the most engaging investing experiences for their customers.
With our suite of white-label InvestTech solutions, we help our clients extend their product range in an agile, fast and cost-effective way so that they can stay ahead of the curve and thrive in this increasingly digital world.
InvestSuite is a place where bankers, creative designers, imagineers, computer and behavioural scientist work together to create user experiences that open up new markets and drive commercial success for our clients.