Robo Advisor
The white-label Robo Advisor that lets you win the mass investor.
Hyper-personalised and purposeful investing for the mass market.
Increasing numbers of investors seek low-cost access to investment services - to convert savings into investments or to manage their wealth. They look for automated digital tools that offer a guided but personalised and purposeful investing experience. The question is, how can such a mass of investors be served at scale?
Robo Advisor - Our white-label and highly configurable automated B2B investment platform - provides goal-based investing with hyper-personalised and purposeful portfolios. The portfolio construction engine is powered by sophisticated algorithms that incorporate the investor’s investment preferences and risk profile. The scalable solution masters the construction and rebalancing of a large number of individual portfolios.

A turn-key solution that gets you to market in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost of an in-house build.
The white-label B2B robo advisor that helps you win the mass investor.
Grow AUM
Appeal to a wider range of investors with different needs and preferences, and capitalise on the growing demand for automated investing. Attract new customer segments and retain loyal clients, ultimately growing your AUM.
Save costs and increase efficiency
Our B2B Robo Advisor delivers hyper-personalisation at scale to customers across the wealth curve (retail, mass affluent and High Net Worth) and drives down your operational cost. So you can serve investors quickly, accurately and efficiently.
Enhance existing services
Complement your existing advisory services with automated investments. Offer convenience: a digital investment platform that is accessible 24/7 from anywhere - on mobile and web.
Apply different service levels of advice and differentiate your investment service between segments.
Launch your own Robo Advisor
Launch your own Robo Advisor

The intuitive onboarding experience features powerful re-engagement functionalities. Through personas, customers can first explore the automated investing experience. Virtual Portfolios allow investors to follow up on a real-time virtual portfolio as if their money was invested for real. Easily converts into a real invested portfolio later on.

Set goals, assess preferences and risk tolerance
A dynamic and intuitive step-by-step journey guides investors to set financial goals and saving objectives - assessing their position on the risk spectrum, as well as understanding their specific personal preferences.

Personalised portfolios, dynamically rebalanced
Create personalised investment portfolio proposals - per investor and per investor goal - in line with preferences and risk profile. All portfolios are dynamically rebalanced to ensure compliance with the defined investment policy.

Humanised Robo Advisor
Our “humanised” Robo Advisor provides guidance and encourages responsible investment behaviours. It displays projections of potential future performance and returns, and provides details on rebalancing reasons and portfolio composition.